Valentine's Week List 2020: Rose Day,Propose Day,Hug Day, Kiss Day, Valentine's Day And Other Days Of Love In February

Valentine's Week List 2020: Rose Day,Propose Day,Hug Day, Kiss Day, Valentine's Day And Days Of Love In February:-

The first day of Valentine's Week is widely known as Rose Day. Subsequently come Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day and Kiss Day.

Valentines Week 2020: Know the days of love in February.

Valentine's Day is widely known to be celebrated every year on February 14. It is the time of the year when love is in the air and everywhere. It is also known as the proper time to let your significant others, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends know how much they mean to you and how much you love them. The days preceding Valentine's Day are celebrated as the Valentine Week. Each day during this week holds a special significance. Every day holds its own importance and own way of celebrations. The first day of Valentine Week is celebrated as Rose Day on February 7. After that come Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day and Kiss Day. The week concludes with the much-anticipated Valentine's Day on February 14, which is celebrated all around the world as the day of love. This is the time when most of the lover try to convey their feelings to their loved once. This time is the most awaited time for the youngsters and the lovers.

List of February's days of love and what each day in Valentine's Week signifies:

Valentine Days list 2020

Rose Day 2020- February 7

Rose Day 2020

 The First day of lovers and youngsters is Rose day. Rose Day 2020 will be celebrated on Thursday this year. It is a day where you can let your dear ones know how much they mean to you with the help of roses. Roses act as a symbol of love. You can show your love towards someone by giving them a rose. Although each color rose are beautiful but during valentines day only red color flowers are given to each others. While red roses are associated with romance, yellow roses are given to friends. White roses are the perfect way to build bridges with people you are fighting with, as they signify peace.Wish your someone special on Rose Day . Not only to the lovers but you can also give the roses to your family members to show them their love.

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Propose Day 2020  - February 8

Propose Day 2020

As the name suggests, propose day is the day when you can express your feelings for your loved ones. It is the second day of the Valentine Week. Propose Day will fall on Friday this year. Use this day to let your crush know how much you like them, or share your feelings with a loved one. This day is celebrated with great excitement in abroad countries, but now the trend in india is also changed. Propose day is celebrated at a very big level in India also.

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Chocolate Day 2020- February 9

Chocolate day images

The third day is also the excited one and Perhaps the best day of the Valentine Week, especially for those who love the chocolates most. Chocolate Day is celebrated every year on February 9. This year it will fall on Saturday. On Chocolate Day, you can use a sweet treat to express your feelings to a friend, family or loved one. Chocolates have been used since ages to signify love, and the third day of Valentine Week is dedicated to them. On this day the chocolates are sold in a big number and people gift them to their lovers and family members to express their love.

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Teddy Day 2020 - February 10

Teddy Day 2020

What better way to say "I love you" than with an adorable teddy bear? This Sunday, surprise your friend or significant other with a cute teddy bear to celebrate Teddy Day. They are the ideal gift for everyone from couples to siblings to even parents this Valentine Week. Let e tell you a short interesting story about the name of teddy. The teddy bear is named after U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. President Roosevelt participated in a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi. While hunting, Roosevelt declared the behavior of the other hunters “unsportsmanlike" after he refused to kill a bear they had captured. After this incident the name is declared as a teddy.

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Promise Day 2020 - February 11

Promise Day 2020

The another significant day in the Valentine Week is Promise Day. On Promise Day, people give the commitment to a relationship and make promises for a long lasting and not breakable bond. This year, Promise Day will fall on Monday. Use this day to text a loved one and let them know how much they mean to you, to promise loyalty and love.A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not do something. As a noun promise means a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something.The promise holds a very big value and a person should always remain on his words which means you should never break your promise. As a verb it means to commit oneself by a promise to do or give. It can also mean a capacity for good, similar to a value that is to be realized in the near future. 

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Hug Day 2020 - February 12

Hug Day 2020

There is a very famous line that "When words fail, a hug comes to the rescue". On Hug Day, go ahead and hug your partner, your friend or your family members. Give them the sign of your affection toward them. They will definitely feel your existance in their life. Let them feel that you are always their with them throught the life. This year, Hug Day will be celebrated on Tuesday.

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Kiss Day 2020 -February 13

Kiss day images

Now came the last day of the valentines week and after that the most awaited valentines day will come. The last day of the Valentine Week, just before Valentine's Day, is known as Kiss Day. In 2020, Kiss Day will fall on Wednesday. A kiss represents affection and love. A simple kiss can make your partner's day this Valentine Week. 

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Valentine's Day 2020- february 14

valentine's day

Valentine's Day is celebrated as the day of love around the world.It will fall on Friday
The most awaited day of Valentine Week, the day of love - Valentine Week! Valentine's Day is celebrated in honour of Saint Valentine, a 3rd-century Roman saint associated with courtly love. This year, Valentine's Day will be celebrated on Friday. 

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Full Detail about valentines week and why we celebrate it:-

Valentine's Day is celebrated on 14th February every year across the world. Largely a Western tradition, the day is now celebrated in a major way in the eastern part of the world as well in countries like India and China. In India There is a very big celebration of this day. The day is named after a Christian martyr Saint Valentine and is celebrated to commemorate the love between companions. The day is believed to have been first incorporated by Pope Gelasius I in 496 AD. There were numerous martyrs named Valentine in the early years who were martyred for several reasons.  And they are the reason for celebrating the valentines week.However, none of them were associated with love. It was in the 14th century that a Valentine was associated with love and it is believed that the tradition of Valentine's Day started with that particular Valentine.There are several other theories as to the origins of Valentine's Day. Some believe that the day was celebrated to respect a Saint Valentine when he refused to obey the orders of Emperor Claudius II. The days preceding Valentine's Day are celebrated as the Valentine Week. Each day during this week holds a special significance. Emperor Claudius II had ordered that young men should refrain from marrying, as he believed that after marriage, men no longer remain good soldiers. However, the Valentine in question did not obey this order and helped many young men marry secretly. The Valentine was thus killed by the Emperor and hence, the tradition of Valentine's Day was started.The day is predominantly celebrated in Western countries but is beginning to make its presence in other countries as well. The first day of Valentine Week is celebrated as Rose Day on February 7. After that come Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day and Kiss Day. The week concludes with the much-anticipated Valentine's Day on February 14, which is celebrated all around the world as the day of love. On this day, lovers exchange gifts and cards to profess their love for each other while single men and women go out in find of their valentine. Several clubs and discs organize special nights on this day which is accompanied by thumping music, candle light dinners and other romantic settings.

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